Why did I get result code 25?

Note: The initial error message may be “Not signed up for this tender type”, but the transaction details will show the response message as: “Transaction not mapped to this host type”.

The following outlines the causes and solutions to this issue:

Card type not set up

If your Payflow Pro account isn't set up to process the specified transaction method or card type (such as Visa or American Express), contact your merchant bank to verify the card types that your account accepts.

Admin users can add card types to their Payflow Pro account within PayPal Manager. Here's how:

  1. Log in to your PayPal Manager account.
  2. Click Account Administration.
  3. Click Accepted Card Types.
  4. Click Add Card Type.
  5. Place a check mark next to the card type you want to add.
  6. Click Add Card Type.

If you need help, contact Payflow Support and ask to have the card type added to your account. (The Primary contact, Secondary contact, or an admin contact listed on the account must make the request.)

Express Checkout not set up

An Express Checkout transaction is being attempted but your account is not yet set up for this. Contact Payflow Support to have Express Checkout added to your account.

Original transaction ID not valid

Check that the transaction ID being entered in the Original Transaction ID field is the correct transaction ID of an approved authorization, delay capture, or credit. The field is case sensitive and all letters should be uppercase.

Empty Credit Card field

Enter the correct card number in the field.

See also:
RESULT Values and RESPMSG Text


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