Man sitting at a desk in front of a laptop

PayPal privacy practices

How your data works for you.

We want you to always feel confident about how we use and protect your personal data.

Our privacy principles in action

Explore some examples of how your personal information helps us deliver and enhance the PayPal services you use.

Shopping online

When you check out with PayPal, we use your data to:

  • Help you to discover products and promotions that we think you’ll find interesting and valuable when you’re shopping on our platforms
  • Personalize offers¹ you receive by email

When you store your payment info with Fastlane by PayPal, we use your data to:

  • Accelerate checkout at participating partners and merchants without using an account with PayPal
  • Autofill your info so you can check out without manually entering all your personal and payment method details each time you pay
  • Update and save information in your Fastlane profile, including your payment methods and address, without a password

Sending money

We streamline your payment experiences by using your data to:

  • Help a business or person link you, or your PayPal account, to the payment
  • Share your contact details in case the person or business needs to contact you about your purchase
  • Provide your mailing address to a merchant if you want your purchase to be shipped

Getting paid

We make it quicker and easier for other PayPal users to pay you by using your data to:

  • Help those who pay you find your account
  • Help PayPal users know they’re sending money to the right account
  • Communicate with you about the payment you’re receiving

Frequently asked questions

More about privacy at PayPal

Trust the way

you pay

Easily and securely spend, send, and manage your transactions—all in one place. Download the app on your phone or sign up for free online.

Scan the code or enter your number to get the app.

QR code image
By clicking Send Link you agree to receive a text message with a link to the PayPal app. Message and data rates may apply.