Privacy for merchants

Protecting privacy side by side.

We work with you to protect our customers’ personal data and honor their data privacy rights.

Phone scanning a PayPal QR code

Data privacy is good for business

Everybody wins when we respect and protect our customers’
personal data.

Build trust

We foster transparency, mitigate risks, and cultivate confidence when our customers understand what data is collected, as well as how and why their personal information is used.

Protect data

We assure our customers that their personal information is handled with care and respect by adhering to high standards of data protection and management.

Enhance experiences

When our customers trust us with their data, we can elevate the shopping and checkout experience.

Safeguarding our

customers’ data together

How PayPal protects our customers’ personal data

Data protection is one of our core values. It has always been our practice to protect our customers’ personal data—because it’s the right thing to do.

PayPal is an independent data controller for most of our products and services. That means we’re responsible for how our customers’ personal data is collected, processed, and handled.

How our merchants protect our customers’ personal data

As a merchant, you are an independent controller of the data you collect. You have a responsibility to be compliant with laws governing data protection and to meet the high standards we adhere to.

Your business information is safe with us

We responsibly manage and store data we collect from your business. Some of our security measures include:

  • Firewalls

  • Data encryption

  • Physical access controls to our data centers

  • Information access authorization controls

We operate under strict requirements for the protection and secure handling of all confidential information, so your proprietary data is kept safe.

Your data management options

As a business owner, you have choices to manage your individual settings, marketing communications, and alerts.

Privacy settings

Manage how people find your business on PayPal, update blocked contacts, and more in your privacy settings.

Notifications settings

Manage when you receive alerts or marketing communications in your notifications settings.

Frequently asked questions

More about privacy at PayPal

We support businesses just like yours

Every business needs a reliable partner. From secure payment processing to helpful business insights, we’re here for you.