Donate to PayPal Giving Fund

Upper Peninsula Film Union Incorporated

Marquette, MI

EIN: 83-1669878

The Upper Peninsula Film Union operates the last drive-in theater in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. We host movie events that are free of charge to everyone plus we let nonprofits groups operate our concession stand to help them raise funds for their organization. We love movies and we love making these events happen for people near and far. Every penny we raise goes directly to keeping this drive-in theater alive and well for everyone.

The info in this profile is provided and managed by the charities themselves.

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PayPal covers all transaction fees. You’re donating to PayPal Giving Fund, a 501(c)(3) charity, subject to its terms. Donations can take up to 45 days to get to your chosen charity. It’s rare, but if we can’t send your money to this charity, we’ll ask you to recommend another. If we can’t reach you, we’ll send it to a similar charity and keep you updated. Your donation is typically tax-deductible in the US.
The logos on this site and descriptions under “About this charity” are provided by and managed by the charities themselves.

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