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What is DropZone and how do I use it to transfer files with PayPal?

DropZone is our secure file transfer platform that securely sends files, receives files and automates regular file transfers. Use DropZone when you need to send or receive files from us securely, for example:

  • Exchanging settlement reports with payment processors.
  • Sharing merchant-specific reports with merchants.
  • Fetching information from external data vendors.
  • Exchanging information with regulatory entities.

Data is encrypted at rest and in transit and scanned for sensitive data before sending to ensure that critical information is properly encrypted. All files received over DropZone are scanned for viruses or malicious content.

How it works

You can use DropZone either as a client or as a server.

DropZone as a server

If you use DropZone as a server, you can:

  • Upload data into PayPal's SFTP server.
  • Retrieve files from PayPal's SFTP server.

  1. You add to your organization's firewall allowlist.
  2. A PayPal representative shares credentials for accessing the DropZone SFTP server.
  3. If you're sending files, you encrypt the information and upload it to PayPal's SFTP server.
  4. If you're retrieving files, you access PayPal's SFTP server and download the file.

DropZone as a client

If you use DropZone as a client, you can:

  • Upload data into your storage location for DropZone to retrieve regularly.
  • Retrieve files from your storage location uploaded by DropZone.

After transferring a file, you can rename, archive, and unzip the file.

  1. You share login credentials to your storage location with us.
  2. If you're sending files over DropZone:
    • You encrypt the information before uploading it to your storage location.
    • You schedule regular file transfer times.
  3. If you're retrieving files from DropZone:
    • Data sent from us over DropZone is encrypted before it's sent.
    • You can retrieve the files at any time.


DropZone is available in all countries where PayPal is available.

Integration options

Integrate DropZone as a server or client based on your needs and information security guidelines. DropZone as a client is the preferred integration option and may require fewer consultations with us.

The key differences between the 2 options are:

  • Storage location.
  • How often you can send files.
  • Information security and firewall requirements.

When you integrate DropZone as a server, files are uploaded to our SFTP server. You can send and receive files anytime. Because you are accessing our SFTP server, onboarding may take longer to ensure compliance with our security requirements. If you would rather upload files to your server, integrate DropZone as a client.

When you integrate DropZone as a client, you can upload files for DropZone to retrieve from your Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), Google Cloud Storage, or SFTP server. With DropZone as a client, you can receive files at any time. However, you can only schedule file transfers, such as sending files in response to event triggers or scheduling automated transfers.

Integrate DropZone as a client

Follow these steps to integrate DropZone as a client.

Know before you code

  1. You must be onboarded to DropZone by PayPal. During onboarding, create authentication credentials for DropZone to access your storage system. You can set up either:
    • Recommended: Username and SSH keys: We generate a public and private SSH key and share the public SSH key with you. You create a username to share with us and configure the storage system's authentication system with the public SSH key.
    • Username and password: You create and share a username and password with us.
  2. Encrypt all files sent over DropZone using either PGP encryption or manual encryption methods such as 7Zip on Windows or Encrypto on Mac.

Add DropZone IP subnets to firewall allowlist

Add the following IP subnets to your allowlist in your firewall:


Integrate DropZone as a server

Follow these steps to integrate DropZone as a server.

Know before you code

  • You must be onboarded to DropZone by PayPal. During onboarding, establish authentication credentials. You can choose either:
    • Recommended: Username and SSH keys: We provide the username. You generate the public and private SSH keys and share the public SSH key with us.
    • Username and password: We share a username and password.
  • Encrypt all files sent over DropZone using either PGP encryption or a manual encryption method such as 7Zip on Windows or Encrypto on Mac.
  • Add the domain to your allowlist.

Note: Adding the domain to an allowlist is more secure than adding IP address ranges. Only add the following IP address ranges if you can't add the domain to your allowlist:


Connect to DropZone SFTP server

Run the following command from a terminal, command line, or SFTP client: sftp -i IDENTITY-FILE-PATH USERNAME@DROPZONE-HOST.

Modify the command as follows:

  • IDENTITY-FILE-PATH - The path to the private key needed to log in to the account. For example, ~/username/keys/id_rsa.
  • USERNAME - The DropZone batch account name.
  • DROPZONE-HOST - The SFTP endpoint for DropZone.
    • To send or receive files, use
    • To test the integration, use

Sample command

sftp -i ~/username/keys/id_rsa

Manage files

Use the following commands to manage files:




Upload file


put ~/Documents/file.txt DropZone/ExampleCo

Download file


get DropZone/ExampleCo/file.txt ~/Documents

Navigate directory


cd DropZone/ExampleCo/Reports

Navigate to parent directory

cd ..

cd ..

List files and directories



List detailed information about files and directories

ls -ltrh

ls -ltrh

Remove a file from DropZone


rm DropZone/ExampleCo/file.txt

Remove a directory in DropZone


rmdir DropZone/ExampleCo/Reports

Disconnect from DropZone



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