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How do I create PayPal REST API credentials?

Here's how you generate REST API credentials:

  1. Log in to the PayPal Developer Portal using the same credentials you use for PayPal.
  2. On the Apps & Credentials page, click Live or Sandbox depending on whether you need an app for testing (Sandbox) or going live (Live).
  3. Click Create App in the upper right corner. 
  4. Enter the name of your REST API app in the App Name field, select Merchant or Platform as the type of application, and select a Sandbox business account to associate with your app. 
  5. Click Create App.
    Your credentials, the client ID and secret, are displayed on the app details page that displays after you click Create App.
  6. Request permissions for REST API features that apply to your integration, such as:
    • Invoicing API
    • PayPal Here
    • Subscriptions
    • PayPal payments
    • Connect with PayPal
    • Customer Disputes API
    • Payouts
    • Advanced Credit & Debit Cards
    • Vault
  7. When you are ready to take your code live, make sure to move your application to Live.

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