Accept payments online and in person

Offer popular ways to pay. Process all major credit and debit cards, too. Your customers don’t even need PayPal to pay.


financial services

Consider applying for a PayPal Working Capital cash advance¹ and a PayPal Business Debit Mastercard® that could help take your business to the next level.

Streamline daily operations

Our payment solution helps keep your business running smoothly both before and after the sale. Track sales, learn about your shoppers, manage risk, simplify shipping,
and more.

Available on all major

ecommerce platforms

It’s easy to connect your online store to your PayPal Business account. And you can connect to other tools like your accounting, inventory management, and marketing automation software into one powerful payment solution.

Get paid online, in person, or on the go. Send invoices. Check your latest sales. Let’s keep it growing.

Drive checkout conversion

average increase in checkout conversion for SMB merchants who use PayPal.2
higher purchase frequency from PayPal users relative to other typical online shoppers.3

Help gain more repeat customers

45 %
more repeat buyers for PayPal SMBs.3

A brand you can trust

47 %
of UK consumers cited that trust is the reason of making a purchase on SMB websites using PayPal.4

After the sale, we’re still here

We’re just a call (or live chat) away when you have questions. Enjoy streamlined shipping, business insights, and more with PayPal for Business.

Frequently asked questions

We support businesses

just like yours

Every business needs a reliable payment partner. From secure payment processing to helpful business insights, we’re here for you.

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