How to enhance your marketing efforts with SEO.

Feb 19 2020 | PayPal editorial staff

Are you new to marketing? You’ll want to make sure that your content can be easily found by your audience.
Make sure your marketing efforts have a home.
First of all, you will need to create a destination where people can find you and learn more about what you do. This can be a website, a Facebook business page, a LinkedIn profile, a blog or a portfolio site such as Behance.
This is where you’ll be driving your audience to with your marketing efforts, so make it as informative and appealing as possible. Make sure that it has clear information on what you do - showcase some of the great work that you’ve done, include testimonials from past clients, and list the different ways you can be contacted.
If your destination doesn’t deliver the necessary information, or encourage the audience to want to find out more about you, then you would have wasted your money driving traffic there.
Make search engines work for you.
Next, you need to ensure that your audience can easily find your site, page or profile via a search engine. By ‘optimizing’ it for search engines, you can make it more likely for potential clients to find you when searching for anything related to your business.
Search engine optimization (SEO) can be a complex and potentially massive undertaking, but there are several basic steps you can take that will go a long way:
  • Make sure you offer as much unique and high-quality content as possible. Not only will it appeal to your audience, it will also make it more likely that others will share your content or link to it, which will improve your page ranking on search engines. Examples of types of content that appeal to people include blog posts, industry articles, tutorials and guides, infographics and videos.
  • Another way of getting relevant sites to link to yours is to approach them with your content directly to see if they are interested in sharing it. Try to work out an arrangement where you link to each other.
  • Identify keywords that your audience might be searching for. These include terms that they might use to describe what you do or the problems that you can help them solve. Tools such as Wordtracker and Moz Pro’s Keyword Explorer can help you with this. Then plan your content according to the keywords you’ve picked. You should also take your cue from currently ranking pages on what kind of content is working well. Don’t try to get better rankings by artificially repeating keywords in your content, as tactics like this will cause your site to receive a lower ranking on the search engines. Focus on making sure your content natural and is useful to the reader.
  • Read SEO guides to get a good understanding of how it works. Moz or Shopify are good places to start.

The contents of this site are provided for informational purposes only. You should always obtain independent, professional accounting, financial, and legal advice before making any business decision.
The contents of this site are provided for informational purposes only. The information in this article does not constitute legal, financial, IT, business or investment advice of any kind and is not a substitute for any professional advice. You should always obtain independent, professional accounting, financial, IT and legal advice before making any business decision.

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