Buyer Protection

Sometimes, when you receive an item you bought online at home or abroad, they aren't quite as you expected when they arrive. If this ever happens, don't worry. PayPal can help get you money back.

What is PayPal Buyer Protection?

If your eligible purchase doesn’t arrive, or doesn’t match the seller’s description, we can help you get your money back.


Contact the seller

You can open a dispute in the Resolution Center if you didn’t receive an item you ordered or the item you ordered arrives and is significantly different to how it was originally described. Time limits and other terms apply.


Raise a claim

If you are unable to resolve the issue with the seller, visit the Resolution Center again to escalate the process to a claim.


Get a refund

If your transaction is eligible, you will be reimbursed up to the full amount of the purchase.

You can get a refund in the following scanarios:

You received something that does not match the seller's description.

Your purchase was damaged during shipping.

You bought something new but are sent a used item.

Your item is missing major parts (which the seller didn't disclose).

You purchased 3 items but only receive 2.

You paid for an authentic brand but received an imitation.

We can protect you before, during and after the purchase.

Fraud protection

We monitor every transaction 24/7 to prevent fraud, email phishing and identity theft.

Data encryption

Every transaction is protected using our advanced encryption technology.

Buyer Protection

Shop more securely with PayPal, at home and abroad.