Charity Confirmation
Stand out with confirmed charity status

Get low processing rates, expand your reach, raise funds—all in one place.

Get more out of your donations

Confirmed charities get a low processing rate of 1.99% + $0.49 per donation. Lower rates means more money to support your cause.

Full pricing details
Grow with PayPal Giving Fund

Confirmed charities can benefit from fundraising on PayPal, and our partner platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, GoFundMe, with PayPal Giving Fund.

Charities in California can choose to enroll with PayPal Giving Fund after confirming their charity status.

Accept grants on PayPal

Confirmed charities can receive grants from a growing group of donor-advised funds and other grant makers. Grants are sent quickly and securely to your account.

Charities don’t pay fees to receive grants from grantmakers.

Reach 85+ million users on Venmo

Tap into a community of socially-engaged donors with a Venmo charity profile. We'll add a verified badge to your Venmo profile so donors know you're the real deal.

Ready to confirm your charity's account with PayPal?

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