How do I integrate PayPal Checkout with VirtueMart?

Here's how:

  1. Log into your VirtueMart admin panel.
  2. Click  Payment Methods.
  3. Click New.
    • Enter a Payment Name.
    • Published - Select Yes.
    • Payment Method - Select VM Payment - PayPal Checkout.
    • Currency - Select your preferred Currency for PayPal transactions.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Connect your Checkout payment method with your PayPal business account.

Once your PayPal business account is linked to your VirtueMart's Checkout payment method, continue your integration with VirtueMart’s latest documentation.

See also:

PayPal Checkout
VirtueMart Forum
VirtueMart Developer Portal

Refer to our preferred Platforms and Marketplaces Directory for addional shopping cart specific information. 

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