How do I accept American Express (AMEX) Cards using PayPal Payments Pro and Virtual Terminal?

To start accepting American Express (AMEX) direct in the US, apply for PayPal Payments Pro/Virtual Terminal. Once you’ve been approved, we will automatically send your direct payment processing request to AMEX for acceptance.

There may be instances where you may not be able to accept AMEX directly. These include the following:

  • Business model assessment
  • You’re a Canadian merchant

Note: If your AMEX direct credit card processing request has been denied, you’ll be notified via email.

Business model assessment

Your PayPal Payments Pro/Virtual Terminal application is reviewed, vetted, and provisioned based on a number of factors which include your business model. If you've been approved for direct credit card processing but denied for AMEX processing, contact our Business Support team for additional details.

You’re a Canadian Merchant

Canadian merchants cannot process direct credit card payments with AMEX directly through PayPal. However, you can apply for a direct credit card AMEX processing relationship by contacting them directly at 1-800-761-5305. After you've established the relationship, you’ll need to contact Payflow Support with your processor details in order to link to your existing account.

See also:

Which credit cards can I accept with PayPal?

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