How do I integrate PayPal Payments Pro with E-junkie?

Configure your PayPal account

Here's how:

  1. Log in to your PayPal account.
  2. Click Website payments under Products & Services.
  3. Click Update next to API access.
  4. Click Pre-Built Payment Solution under Shopping cart provider.
  5. Set Third Party Permission Username to
  6. Check the following boxes under the list of Available Permissions:
  • Use Express Checkout to process payments
  • Process your customers' credit or debit card payment
  • Authorize and capture your PayPal transactions  

Configure E-junkie

Here's how:

  1. Log in to your E-junkie admin panel.
  2. Select Edit Profile under Manage Your Seller Account.
  3. While in your Profile:
  • Sell with PayPal - Check the box.
  • PayPal Email - Enter your PayPal email address.
  • Accept Credit Card > PayPal Payments Pro - Select this and click Submit.
  1. Click Edit Preferences.
  2. Edit the Payment Preferences options:
  • Payment Action - Check the box for Authorize only, or uncheck it for Sale.
  • Phone number - Check the box if the buyer's phone number is required. If this is checked, configure the setting in the PayPal account.
  • Wait for pending payments to clear before processing - Check the box to automatically process the transaction once payment is completed.
  1. Click Submit.

Refer to our preferred Platforms and Marketplaces Directory for addional shopping cart specific information. 

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