How do I integrate PayPal Payments Pro with Angell EYE for WooCommerce?

Install the free Angell EYE module in your WooCommerce store before integrating PayPal Payments Pro. Here's how: 

  1. Log in to your WooCommerce admin panel.
  2. Select WooCommerce > Settings.
  3. On the Settings dialog select Checkout > PayPal Website Payments Pro (DoDirectPayment).
  4. Complete the following tasks to cover the minimum requirements for PayPal Payments Pro integration.
  • Enable/Disable - Check the Enable PayPal Pro box.
  • Title - Set the Title as you want it to appear to buyers for this payment method.
  • Description - Enter an Extended Description in the Description field or keep the default value.
  • Test Mode - Don't click the Test Mode box unless you're integrating using Sandbox API values.
  • Live API Username - Enter your Live API Username. Payment Action -
  • Live API Password - Enter your Live API Password.
  • Live API Signature - Enter your Live API Signature.
  • Payment Action - Select Sale to capture funds immediately when an order is placed, or Authorization if you want to authorize payment without capturing funds.
  • Send Item Details - Click the box if you want to send line item details to PayPal.
  1. Review additional options not covered in the previous steps.
  2. Click Save.

Refer to our preferred Platforms and Marketplaces Directory for addional shopping cart specific information. 

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