How do I integrate Payflow Pro with E-junkie?

Here's how:

  1. Log in to your E-junkie admin panel.
  2. Select Edit Profile under Manage Your Seller Account.
  3. Select PayPal Payflow Pro under Accept Credit Card Options.
  4. Fill in the PayPal Manager Gateway Credentials:
    • Partner - Enter PayPal.
    • Merchant Login - Enter your merchant login ID.
    • Manager/shopping cart user ID - Enter your unique shopping cart user ID.
    • USER Password - Enter your password.
    • Credit Card types - Select the credit cards you want to accept.
    • Click Submit.
  5.     Edit the Payment Preferences options:
    • Payment Action- Check the box to select Authorize only, or uncheck it to selectSale.
    • Wait for pending payments to clear before processing - Check the box to automatically process transactions once payment is completed.
  6. Click Submit.

Refer to our preferred Platforms and Marketplaces Directory for addional shopping cart specific information. 

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