How do I integrate PayPal REST with Angell EYE for WooCommerce?

Here’s how to integrate Angell EYE with PayPal REST:

  1. Log in to your WooCommerce admin panel.
  2. Select WooCommerce > Settings.
  3. Select Checkout > PayPal Credit Card (REST) on the Settings dialog. The following tasks cover the minimum requirements for PayPal Payments Pro integration:
    • Enable/Disable - Check the Enable PayPal Cred Card (REST) box.
    • Title - Set the Title as you want it to appear to buyers for this payment method.
    • Description - Enter an Extended Description in the Description field or keep the default value.
    • Test Mode - Don't click the Test Mode box unless you're integrating using Sandbox API values.
    • Live Client ID - Enter your REST Live Client ID.
    • Live Client ID - Enter your REST Live Client ID.
      Note: Learn how to create REST API credentials.
  4. Click Save.

See also:

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